So, I laid out my monthly bills and it's pretty scary. So far just for rent, car, heat, hydro, cable, internet on my house and business I am spending over $4,200. That still does not include groceries, gas and what I would like to put onto debt. It's also the time of year where I advertise and it's about $1000 this month if I decide to take part. It's a once a year thing. I hope this months income will at least cover the bills, groceries, gas with a bit for debt. So far this month all my money has gone to needs...and books. Oh, I'll have to add books to the monthly budget.
Here is what I'm reading now:
The last book I read by Kiyosaki was very informative so I thought I would give this one a try since I own my own business
Cost was $14.95 on iTunes

...and this one I am almost done and just started today. It's a lot about history of business, what's worked and what has failed. I feel like I'm getting a lot of stats and it's stuff I kind of already know.
Cost was $9.95 on iTunes

So far I have spent $36.85 on audio books this month. I put them on my iPod and listen when I can. I walk around with the iPod my pocket and the earphones around my neck when I'm not using them. I have a long list of books I want to get to. After these two books there is another debt book I really want to read. I figure reading biz books will improve my business and I'll make more to pay off debt :D
Total Debt Paid: $27, 148