On another page I have the list below -- everything I've paid this month as far as creditors go, a small advertising cost and one personal loan.

Check this out...this one bill suggest I pay $73.00 a month while my interest cost me $63.45. Can you imagine how long this would take to pay off when only $9.55 of the payment goes to the amount while the rest is on the interest. Yikes! This bill will have to be near the top of the list to be paid first. The interest is something like 28%

I need to get organized so that's what I am working on tonight. Like, who doesn't notice $400 missing from their account?!! It's not like I have a ton of money to not notice. I'm sooooo horrible with money and keeping track of things.
My little notes help a bit but tonight I bought a binder to keep all my bills in along with drawings as you've seen here -- hopefully this will help!

ok, now total spending today:
$5.11 - Tim Hortons
$6.00 - Wallmart water and coke
$33.03 - gas and drinks
$13.43 - office supplies
$100.00 - assistant fees for the day
business is a write off so with personal spending today I have done well :)
This morning before work I estimated how much I can put on debt in June and August. This is my attempt to plan ahead and I have all the paper work in my new binder which I am calling my 'Binding out of debt Binder'
Now off to make that lit I was talking about...
1. Storage (because they want me out by July 8)
2. PST (just have to sort it out)
3. Future Shop (crazy high interest)
4. Peoples (in collections)
5. Visa (high interest)
6. Master Card (high interest and in collections)
7. Goodwin (my sons private school/no interest)
8. Radio ads (advertising business expense)
9. Mom (personal loan)
10. Paul (personal loan and he is in no rush)
1 comment:
You are doing so great on getting a hold of your debt and getting it paid off. It's fun to check in on you and see the progress you are making. Great work! :)
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