So, what's new...
I've only paid $200 on debt since my last post which brings me to total of $10,412.43 in 37 days. The $200 is set up woth online banking so it helps to make sure I have money put to debt every week.
The storage stuff is moved today and I yet to pay the movers but that will be taken care of my the end of the day. Storage was costing me about $200 a month so yeah, saving! The movers will cost around $400 *guessing*
The camera I plan to buy this week, maybe Thursday. I haven't figured out how that will work yet money wise but I'm working on it. I have just over $1000 so far.
I still don't have car insurnace as I try to figure out how to buy a new camera
With the camera problem I won't have any money left to put to the private school bill.
Ugh, I feel like I have such a set back with the camera issue.
Girls Trip – Unexpectedly
1 day ago
What kind of camera are you looking into buying. I own a Nikon D50, but I would love to upgrade to a D300. My aunt, the photographer, just got one and raves about its performance.
I know you feel like this camera thing has put a crimp in your debt repayment plan, but you are doing great! Keep it up! There are bound to be setbacks now and again, that's life. Pick yourself, dust yourself off and keep plowing, you can do it!! :)
If you need it, you need it. Don't stress. I had to buy a charger today, but it turned out to be a blessing!
change, Thanks for the advice -- good point!
pennypincher, I'm looking to buy a Canon 5D. I was calling around yesterday and it looks like a $2,300 purchase with a $200 mail in rebate. It will be a great camera to have. I still don't have all the cash I need for the purchase yet and I plan on buying this Thursday.
I absolutely love your blog. You are making good progress. Keep up the good work!
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