The process has slowed down again on how much I have put to debt. I seem to do this...have set backs but will pick up again and this month I plan on having another great month. I'm totally broke today, yesterday and the day before living in my overdraft. I will be paid $900 today and out of that will pay my rent, gas and groceries for the week.
October Goals
- pay bills on time
- buy washer & dryer
- no movie rentals
- read more debt blogs
- blog at least three times a week
- pay off future shop bill
- no new clothing for me
- get child support
- finish reading managing debt
- find ways to save for debt
- track all incoming and out going money
#1 Avoid temptations.
#2 Use grocery coupons and buy generic items.
#3 Don’t use credit cards.
#4 Make a list.
#5 Pay yourself first.
#6 Cut out your vice habits and drains on your dollars.
#7 Shop at discount stores and outlets.
#8 Buy used.
#9 Downsize.
#10 Postpone purchases.
Total debt paid: $22,253
1 comment:
Those are great tips! I will have to remember them too. ;) Thanks for sharing.
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