I went to the bank today for a 'financial check up' is what they call it. When I sat down the lady asked me to tell her a bit about me. So, I went on with: single mom, business owner, and I'm flat broke paying off debt. She was totally impressed with how much debt I have been able to pay off at day 239. So, since I don't have any money right now to invest because it's all going to debt we talked about what I would do with my money after I am done paying off my debt. I was just wondering what I was going to do last week so this meeting was helpful. I also locked my RRSP's in for another 4yrs at 4% as they are maturing soon so why not?!! I also learnt a bit about how I can be saving my my son after my debt is paid AND she then suggested I meet an accountant so I did that next and am now on my way to getting on track. The accountant gave me a list of things to gather in the next two weeks before she can help me.
The book I mentioned below is excellent. I have it on audio and have listened to it twice. It gave me a good foundation in a few areas: taxes, owning a business, liabilities vs assets, why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and how to make my money work for me.
If anyone has any suggestions on books to do with finances I'd love to hear your suggestions.
Tonight I am going to get started on the homework my new account gave me and start a money flow.
I've ben keeping track of all my sending and income so far this month. I haven't paid anything to debt because I owe so much in bill right now :(
Total Debt Paid: 27, 148
I would recommend anything by David Bach. Automatic Millionaire was really good! I am also reading the Wealthy Barber right now, which is also really good!! :-)
You're doing great!!!!!
Thanks! I'm looking into David Bach and have found a few books by him.
The Wealthy Barber I have but have not finished reading. It's all about pay yourself first, right? I'll have to get back into that book.
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