Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 672

672 days of paying off debt and I'm still not there!

While in Vegas I spent less than $500US in the week on food. It's so expensive there! We got groceries for the hotel room but still had to eat out every day as our room didn't have a fridge. However, it was a great conference, I'm glad I went and I did learn a lot for work.

Yesterday I got my check from my insurance so I have a bit of money for the car shopping. I was given $5,800CA. The car I am going to buy is $17,000. It's a Honda, they hold their value and I'm hoping it will last me abut 5yrs *fingers crossed* I was looking for a car around the $5,800 range but I had to look at cars in the 2004 or older and I worry about how long something like that would last.

I've been taking on more work and should be able to increase my income by $2000 a month. Nice right?!! It will all go to credit, taxes and the money I borrow for the car. Taxes are killing me! Ugh!!!

I just put $150 on my Visa -- still owing $8,889.14

Total Debt Paid: $53, 084


Jerry said...

Yay on getting your insurance check! That's a good chunk to put down for your car. Hope the additional work leads to paying off the debt quickly.

Anonymous said...

I have a Honda that is 10 years old and it's still doing great! I think you will be very happy with your purchase!