Thursday, November 27, 2008
Day 182
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Day 173
Monday, November 17, 2008
Day 173
I haven't paid any money to debt since my last post but I plan on paying my car tomorrow as it's two weeks late! Ugh, and secured debt! I'm just killing my credit here.
As soon as I get the car caught up and my car insurance I'll start putting into the emergency fund -- thanks for the suggestion.
Oh, and the budget -- SCARY! So far my expenses add up to over $4,700 a month. That's just so far, ocovering the costs of rent on the house, biz, gas, food, clothing, I have the budget and the actual will be more :( I didn't know I spend THAT much money.
Total Debt Paid: $25, 888
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Day 169
I have $10 in my wallet right now. I've been trying to feed my Ice Cap (coffee) addiction with change only this month as I never seem to keep cash long enough. I spend about $4 a day on coffee. I just put $300 on my credit card which is still frozen in the freezer :)
My income will decrease by half next month as I have some seasonal work that will come to an end. It's great for 6months and then pretty dead for the other 6 months. I'll need to find some way to make some more money AND cut from my budget. I'm very worried about this. Last year I was very broke through the winter as I wasn't watching my money, or trying to make more in my slow season, or paying debt...and I pretty much never paid the bills on time -- just the rent on my apartment and commercial space. I was the person eating peanuts for dinner (really, peanuts) because I didn't have any money to buy food. I always made sure my son would eat well and I would go without.
Once I have the time I'm going to photograph and sell and bunch of stuff I have at home online and out all the money to my credit card :D
Total Debt Paid: $25, 888
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Day 162
I remember the day when I made it to $10,000 on the amount of debt paid. I was paying my PST at the bank as I owed much that there was a lien on my business and car. I paid the bill and cried as I walked out of the bank because it felt amazing to make it to the $10,000 mark. It's been a adventure! From hiding my car from a bailiff to not answering my phone in fear of a creditor asking for money that I didn't have.
I was adding up my debt yesterday on how much I owe and how much I paid and my numbers where not adding up. I forgot that I had included the car (secured debt I have a problem paying -- terrible) on the debt amount but I was counting it to what I have paid. I've sort of looked at the car debt like a bill. However, I have struggled so much with this loan I'm wondering how I missed counting into the debt. I was hiding my car for a few weeks in fear of the bailiff, not sleeping at night worrying about the car being gone in the could I forget this bill?!! I still struggle with it.
So adding the car in the amount of debt paid I am now at $25,588 in total debt paid in 162 days :) Of course I can't help but to wonder what would I have done with that money if I wasn't paying off debt. I have always been terrible with money so I think I would have blown it on a lot of nothing but I would have bought some gear for business. I'm in my sixth month and I love that I have been able to pay this much and I am totally thankful for all the help I have had in doing so. Change, I thank you the most as your blog brought me here.
I was feeling pretty terrible about failing on all my goals last month but I'm catching up and I'm focusing on the positive. $25, 588 in 161 days is pretty good and I know it's a slow process to pay off debt and there are setbacks in most things we take on in life, right?!!
Total Debt Paid: $25,588
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Day 160

The Visa is a huge problem. Every time I pay it down I out more stuff on it for business that I never have the money for. I just ordered over $3000 worth of product last month and this month I would like to buy about $400 worth or props for the business. I’ll try to use PayPal for that and my Visa is going in a plastic bag full of water and it’s going in the freezer so I can’t use it. I’ll do that now – ok done! Now I may have to move it to someone else’s freezer for better keeping.
I finished reading ‘Debt Management’ and from it have learnt a lot I need to put into play. Today I transferred my drugs to another pharmacy which will save me just over $2 a month. And I closed 2 of my four bank accounts – less bank fees.
I also have a budget in place to use as a guideline. After all a budget is suppose to be my financial life raft in all this…the biggest tool in pulling me out of this mess. So I better get use to following one to help me out here.
Total debt Paid: $23, 813
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Day 158