I was looking over my first post when I started this blog just this past June and at that time I was paying over $400 in interest a month on my debt...the good news is that I have paid off enough debt that I pay just over $100 a month now in interest :) -- YAY!
I remember the day when I made it to $10,000 on the amount of debt paid. I was paying my PST at the bank as I owed money...so much that there was a lien on my business and car. I paid the bill and cried as I walked out of the bank because it felt amazing to make it to the $10,000 mark. It's been a adventure! From hiding my car from a bailiff to not answering my phone in fear of a creditor asking for money that I didn't have.
I was adding up my debt yesterday on how much I owe and how much I paid and my numbers where not adding up. I forgot that I had included the car (secured debt I have a problem paying -- terrible) on the debt amount but I was counting it to what I have paid. I've sort of looked at the car debt like a bill. However, I have struggled so much with this loan I'm wondering how I missed counting into the debt. I was hiding my car for a few weeks in fear of the bailiff, not sleeping at night worrying about the car being gone in the morning...how could I forget this bill?!! I still struggle with it.
So adding the car in the amount of debt paid I am now at $25,588 in total debt paid in 162 days :) Of course I can't help but to wonder what would I have done with that money if I wasn't paying off debt. I have always been terrible with money so I think I would have blown it on a lot of nothing but I would have bought some gear for business. I'm in my sixth month and I love that I have been able to pay this much and I am totally thankful for all the help I have had in doing so. Change, I thank you the most as your blog brought me here.
I was feeling pretty terrible about failing on all my goals last month but I'm catching up and I'm focusing on the positive. $25, 588 in 161 days is pretty good and I know it's a slow process to pay off debt and there are setbacks in most things we take on in life, right?!!
Total Debt Paid: $25,588
Girls Trip – Unexpectedly
1 day ago
That is not just pretty good! That is damn good! And you should be very, very proud of yourself! You have come so far since June, it is always exciting to log in and see where you are at with the debt reduction. I can hardly wait to see your post that you no longer owe any creditors. That will be such an exciting day! :) Keep up the fantastic job!
You've made amazing progress and there's never insurance that life won't throw you some setbacks. You roll with it and hope it leads to bigger and better things.
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