The Visa is a huge problem. Every time I pay it down I out more stuff on it for business that I never have the money for. I just ordered over $3000 worth of product last month and this month I would like to buy about $400 worth or props for the business. I’ll try to use PayPal for that and my Visa is going in a plastic bag full of water and it’s going in the freezer so I can’t use it. I’ll do that now – ok done! Now I may have to move it to someone else’s freezer for better keeping.
I finished reading ‘Debt Management’ and from it have learnt a lot I need to put into play. Today I transferred my drugs to another pharmacy which will save me just over $2 a month. And I closed 2 of my four bank accounts – less bank fees.
I also have a budget in place to use as a guideline. After all a budget is suppose to be my financial life raft in all this…the biggest tool in pulling me out of this mess. So I better get use to following one to help me out here.
Total debt Paid: $23, 813
Congrats on paying off that Future Shop account!! :)
You are doing so awesome! I am always amazed and the giant leaps you make! Great work!! I know it tends to get frustrating because it takes so long, but look at how far you have come in such a short time already! :)
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