After calculating up the numbers on my budget sheet I pretty much have enough money to pay for my bills and some debt and then I'm broke. I feel broke all the time. I always have a long list as to where money needs to go. My numbers are not all correct yet with the budget but I should have a better idea by the end of the month. I'm not sure if I am breaking even or spending more than I make right now as I do pay bills late, the phone, hydro and the car. Hmmm, sounds like a good indication I spend more than I make.
I have $10 in my wallet right now. I've been trying to feed my Ice Cap (coffee) addiction with change only this month as I never seem to keep cash long enough. I spend about $4 a day on coffee. I just put $300 on my credit card which is still frozen in the freezer :)
My income will decrease by half next month as I have some seasonal work that will come to an end. It's great for 6months and then pretty dead for the other 6 months. I'll need to find some way to make some more money AND cut from my budget. I'm very worried about this. Last year I was very broke through the winter as I wasn't watching my money, or trying to make more in my slow season, or paying debt...and I pretty much never paid the bills on time -- just the rent on my apartment and commercial space. I was the person eating peanuts for dinner (really, peanuts) because I didn't have any money to buy food. I always made sure my son would eat well and I would go without.
Once I have the time I'm going to photograph and sell and bunch of stuff I have at home online and out all the money to my credit card :D
Total Debt Paid: $25, 888
Girls Trip – Unexpectedly
1 day ago
I do have to ask.. do you have savings above what you have on the right side bar?
You really need to think about halting debt payments for a while (minimum payments only) until you can build up an emergency fund of $1000 at least.
If not for yourself, for your son, because what if something happens and you can't pay? :(
You are continuing to do so well, I'm always impressed by your resolve. I know that feeling of always being broke, and it is not a fun one. It will go away once you get this debt paid off though, so please know that you won't feel like this forever. I would agree with fabulous that it might be a good idea to pay only minimums for a short time to get a cushion built up, that alone will relieve a lot of stress. Have you checked in to doing any mystery shopping or surveys that could help you out during the lean times? If you want to e-mail me at leanne229 at hotmail dot com, I would be happy to assist you with brainstorming ideas that might help fill your financial holes for when times are slow. :) Thinking of you and continuing to cheer you along!
It's amazing how helpful people I don't even know can be! Thanks ladies!
The savings on the side bar is what little I have saved for my or whatever I guess.
I've thought about saving but then I've read not to save while paying off debt. It is a good idea to have an emergency fund.
It's a good idea and I'll do that.
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