Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 653

Here is what I got from it and need to apply or in some cases apply as much as I can:

Don't borrow money. If I don't have the money I can't buy it. (OK, how am I going to buy a decent car?!!)

80% behavior and 20% knowledge. Change my behavior. If I don't have the money, don't buy it.

- cut up the credit and only use cash (I do need credit for work
- use the envelope system.
- get on a budget and give every number a predestination (I never know month to month how much I make)
- read books about money (these cost money!)

Budget Baby Steps
1. start an Emergency Fund of $1000
2. set up a plan to get out of debt. Start with the smallest debt to pay off and work your way up. Debt snowball
3. Go back to step 1 and raise it to 3-6 months of expenses
4. Invest 15% of your income into retirement
5. set up a college fund for my son
6. Pay off the house early ( I rent )
7. build wealth

I kind of have the emergency fund if I need it. There is money in accounts I do not touch so now I guess I work on the snowball affect and pay off the smallest debt which is my taxes and the one that I should be paying. I think I can pay my taxes before I go to Vegas. That would be awesome!

I think I'll put the Visa back in the freezer :)

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