Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Day 160

OK, so I’m catching up and since Nov 1st I have paid my gas bill on the house, an outstanding Express Toll Route bill, over paid on the VISA, the hyrdo bill for the old house is now paid for, my cable/internet bill is paid and I PAID OFF my Future Shop account! The Future Shop account was the priority bill to pay with it’s high interest. Now I’ll have to work on the Visa. I’m terrible for paying bills but I am working on a more organized system

The Visa is a huge problem. Every time I pay it down I out more stuff on it for business that I never have the money for. I just ordered over $3000 worth of product last month and this month I would like to buy about $400 worth or props for the business. I’ll try to use PayPal for that and my Visa is going in a plastic bag full of water and it’s going in the freezer so I can’t use it. I’ll do that now – ok done! Now I may have to move it to someone else’s freezer for better keeping.

I finished reading ‘Debt Management’ and from it have learnt a lot I need to put into play. Today I transferred my drugs to another pharmacy which will save me just over $2 a month. And I closed 2 of my four bank accounts – less bank fees.

I also have a budget in place to use as a guideline. After all a budget is suppose to be my financial life raft in all this…the biggest tool in pulling me out of this mess. So I better get use to following one to help me out here.

Total debt Paid: $23, 813


Anonymous said...

Congrats on paying off that Future Shop account!! :)

Anonymous said...

You are doing so awesome! I am always amazed and the giant leaps you make! Great work!! I know it tends to get frustrating because it takes so long, but look at how far you have come in such a short time already! :)