Wednesday, June 18, 2008

the math of it all

18 months is not so far away. I was calculating that at the beginning of this month I started with a $47,000 debt.

If I want to pay it off in 18 months that will be about $2,611.

Wow, that sounds scary! But it gets scarier. There is interest on this debt and right now I am paying about $400 a month in interest. YIKES!!!

I asked for saving advice on Facebook today and one of the tips is to keep track of every penny you spend so I did that today:

$7.51 at Tim Hotons
$30.02 on gas
$55.20 with Brad and I out for dinner
$3.00 on drinks at Beckers

$95.73 in total

The idea then after the week is to analyze my spending habits.

and I paid a $800 debt to my sons private school (still owing $3,200)

My gaol as mentioned this morning is to pay off $1000 of debt this week and I'm almost there.

I have two weddings this week which will bring in about $1,4000. I hope to put that on my Visa.

I have $2,280.54 in the bank right now with a $806.57 hydro bill/disconnection notice and a $800.29 bell mobilty bill. I'll pay the bills and put the rest on debt tonight.

Total debt paid: $6160 in 18 days

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