Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 55

I think that if I log into my bank accounts daily...(like most people do, right???) ...I'll get threw this debt thing a bit quicker. So, for the next 7 days that will be my goal and I'll see how I do to start.

Day 55 and I have paid $12,590.02 to debt

I've started back on my keeping track of daily spending and plan to follow a few things over the week to cut back on my spending.

I hope everyone is have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Ha! I log on and check my bank accounts every single day! :) I'm a little bit obsessive about it, but I think that is what has gotten me to where I am, so I continue to do it. You are really doing a great job getting your debts paid down, it's very inspiring to see your progress.

indebt said...

You inspired me to do all this -- really!

Yup, I think the bank checking will work. Whenever I'm in there I just want to put money on bills, lol