Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 57 and 29% paid for!

Day 56 and I have paid $13,838 to debt (29% of the debt paid off)

…$200 on a credit card and $848 to a creditor. I have now scratched off another creditor calling me – all paid for!!! That was the one that called telling me I was going to court if I didn’t pay

In June I started with a list of 15 companies/personal loans to pay off and I now 57 days later have 9 companies/personal loans to pay off.

I only wonder why would I not have started this process sooner?!!

Yesterday I mentioned I picked up some audio books by Toni Robbins, they are great. I knew they would be…after all it is Toni Robbins. But what he goes into makes sense about what finally got me in gear to pay off this debt. I’ll post the name of it later for anyone interested. He is totally inspiring.


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! That is awesome! At this rate you will have it all paid off well before your goal date! Great work, as always! As to wondering why you didn't start it earlier, you weren't ready to face your debts, now you are and you are doing everything right to get them paid off.

I'll have to look into the Tony Robbins tapes at my library, thanks for the suggestion. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hey there In Debt,

Haven't seen any new postings from you lately, hope everything is alright. How are you doing on the eradication of your debt? Look forward to hearing from you.